Network's Performance

In the name of transparency and accountability, Vitalité Health Network publishes Quarterly Reports to the Community in which we detail the progress we are making in transforming the organization to better meet the public’s needs.

Updated on a quarterly basis, our Performance Report paints a detailed portrait of the Network’s performance in the following areas:

  • Health results;
  • Employee experience;
  • Patient and family experience;
  • Organizational excellence.

For each key indicator, the report gives the:

  • Benchmark (national or international figure for the same indicator);
  • Vitalité Health Network’s target for the current quarter;
  • Result for the current quarter;
  • Trend over recent quarters.

The colour codes reflect the progress being made.

  • Green – Better than target
  • Yellow – Meets target (+/- 5%)
  • Red – Fails to meet target

We choose what to measure based on the improvements to be made. It’s therefore normal to see yellow and red, which flag gaps between current performance and desired performance.

Thank you to everyone who is in any way contributing to the Network’s improvement initiatives and to our health workers who, despite the challenges they face, continue practising their professions with heart and compassion.

Quarterly Reports to the Community

Network’s Performance Reports - Detailed

Vitalité Health Network’s Performance Report – Highlights

Health results

Number of hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions (hospitalizations per 100,000 people). Click here for more details.
Percentage of hip surgeries performed within 182 days. Click here for more details.
Percentage of knee surgeries performed within 182 days. Click here for more details.

Patient and family experience

Percentage of level 4 and 5 visits to Emergency . Click here for more details.
Percentage of patients requiring an alternate level of care (ALC) occupying acute care beds. Click here for more details.

Employee experience

Turnover rate. Click here for more details.
Average number of paid sick days per employee. Click here for more details.
Work accident rate with loss of time. Click here for more details.
Percentage of vacant positions. Click here for more details.

Organizational excellence

Actual versus CIHI expected length of stay ratio. Click here for more details.
Percentage of surgeries waiting more than 365 days. Click here for more details.
Overall rate of hospital readmission. Click here for more details.

For any questions or comments about the Network’s performance, please email engagement [at]