Respiratory health clinics

Take control of the health of your lungs!

  • Asthma
  • COPD
  • Pulmonary fibrosis

Respiratory Health Clinics can help you.

There are several ways to improve your lung health and avoid visits to the emergency room. You are not alone...

At the Respiratory Health Clinic, a therapist will help you to:

  • Understand and control your respiratory illness effectively; 
  • Control any environmental allergies you may have; 
  • Control your respiratory symptoms and prevent complications;
  • Learn how to avoid triggers or to adapt to them; 
  • Become familiar with your medications and take them correctly;
  • Learn how to use your puffers (inhalers) properly; 
  • Quit smoking; 
  • Learn how to manage attacks with an action plan (worsening of symptoms, lung infections, etc.);
  • Maintain a healthy and satisfying lifestyle.

Pulmonary rehabilitation

A personalized and supervised exercise program helps people with chronic lung illness to:

  • Improve their quality of life; 
  • Be as independent as possible;
  • Reduce coughing, wheezing, sputum and breathlessness; 
  • Get support if their symptoms worsen.

The Respiratory Health Clinic therapists work in collaboration with your doctor or nurse practitioner to offer you the best possible treatment.

Your family, partner in your health

Your family is welcome to attend education sessions. This will help them better understand what you are going through. They can go on to become partners in your health care.

Quit smoking

An advisor can help you quit smoking.

They will offer you personalized service tailored to your preferences and needs.

You have questions? You need help?

You have several options:

  • face-to-face meetings;
  • virtual meetings;
  • telephone follow-ups.

Talk to your doctor or nurse practitioner, or contac the Respiratory Health Clinic in your area.

Our team 

Our team is made up of respiratory therapists. We also refer people to other health professionals as needed.


Who can receive our services?

Anyone with a New Brunswick Medicare card who has trouble breathing or has a lung condition can receive our services.


How to request our services

Call us. You don’t need a referral from your doctor to book an appointment at a respiratory health clinic.

You have questions? You need help?
Don’t wait to ask. Call us!
We can help you breathe easier.