How to look after someone with FASD

Each individual with FASD has their own characteristics and is unique. Unfortunately, many children with FASD are labelled based on their difficult behaviours or their disabilities. Focusing on the problems or negative behaviours limits the possibilities and can sometimes conceal the person’s amazing strengths.

Focusing on the person’s strengths can make them more successful at school, at home, and in everyday activities. This helps build stronger ties with others, strengthen their self-esteem, and reduce their stress.

Structure, routine, and consistency help someone with FASD to manage their days better and experience everyday successes. People with FASD need structure in their daily activities because their brain has difficulty determining the necessary steps to accomplish these activities. We are unaware how much the brain plans every minute of every day, even for simple activities such as brushing your teeth, getting ready to go to school, or going through your bedtime routine.

Change is a source of confusion for people with FASD. Their brains have difficulty adapting to change and making transitions. Even the smallest change, such as putting the cereal away in a different cupboard, can trigger great confusion and a temper tantrum.

To help someone with FASD in their everyday activities, it is necessary to adopt a routine at home. As much as possible, their time must be planned. If a routine works, it must be continued and not changed!

It is essential to use visual supports and to divide tasks into simple components that can be done easily one at a time.