MotivAction Youth Clinic

The MotivAction Youth Clinic is devoted to preventing and treating obesity in children and youth. Obesity leads to a number of serious health problems (cardiovascular disease, diabetes, joint problems, etc.). It is important to prevent obesity and its complications in children and youth.  

The clinic’s multidisciplinary team informs, advises, and supports children, youth, and their families. The team assesses all aspects of its patients’ health (physical, social, cultural, and psychological).

The MotivAction Youth Clinic is made up of:

  • Pediatricians;
  • Nurses;
  • Dietitians;
  • Psychologists;
  • Social workers;
  • Physiotherapists.

Who can receive our services?

The clinic serves children and youth up to 18 years of age who are significantly overweight (over the 85th percentile).

How can children and youth access our services?

A referral from a physician or nurse practitioner is required.