Bluetooth compatible heart monitor implanted in Atlantic Region patient for first time

Moncton, October 23, 2017 – The Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre (Dumont UHC) is the first health care facility in the Atlantic region to implant a Bluetooth compatible Confirm RX™ heart monitor in a patient.

The Confirm Rx™ device is designed to continuously monitor a patient’s heartbeat and to proactively communicate the information collected via a smart phone.  This new technology allows physicians to monitor their patients remotely and to more accurately diagnose heart rhythm disorders potentially requiring more advanced treatment.

According to Dr. Luc Cormier, cardiologist at the UHC Dumont, “The Confirm Rx™ is a heart monitor that gives patients the freedom to live normally, without discomfort or restrictions, and allows the symptoms they report to be diagnosed accurately.  The device fits seamlessly into patients’ daily lives since its key component is found within their smart phone, which, for most people, is always at their side.”

Traditionally, remote monitoring has relied on cumbersome portable or bedside transmitters that limit patients’ mobility. This new heart monitor replaces those passive transmitters. By allowing patients to remain easily connected to their own physician, it gives them the chance to actively participate in their own care.  

The device also allows patients to record their symptoms directly onto their smart phone and to identify specific events such as syncope or an abnormally fast heartbeat. They can also confirm that their data has actually been transmitted to their doctor and can receive various automatic alerts related to their condition.

Further information on this new device can be found on the manufacturer's Website.